Article Marketing and Syndication
Internet article marketing — or press release marketing — is an Internet marketing technique that subtly advertises products and services in online article directories. Article directories having good page rank receive a high volume of traffic and are considered authority sites by search engines. These directories then pass on PageRank to the author’s website and also sends traffic from readers.
More than just the dissemination of information that they used to be in traditional media, article syndication is a powerful and practical tool in branding and SEO.
A properly-worded article has the potential to garner thousands of backlinks — a smart technique for ranking well in the search engine — with the potential for an immense return for a relatively small investment. We can also monitor and analyze the impact of your articles so you can keep abreast of what it is you’re paying for.
iQuarius Media has an arsenal of experienced writers, verbally apt programmers, and SEO specialists to help you create compelling content and take full advantage of Internet article marketing.
BASIC Article Submission
- News sent to search engines and thousands of news outlets
- Distribution through Newswire Today, PRLeap, and non-premium and local sources
- Includes visibility on Google, Yahoo, Lycos,, Bing, and MSN searches
- Appears in Google News (via RSS),,,, Bing News, BusinessNewsNewsNews, del.ici.ous, ForbesFinder, NewswireToday UK,, PRZoom, etc.
- Automatic Twitter Posting (Custom Twitter Message)
- “Share This” buttons
- Permanent hosting on
- Keyword Anchor Text Links
- May attach 1 photo/video/file
STANDARD Article Submission
BASIC, plus:
- Optimized for search engines and use of social media sharing technologies for distribution through Twitter, Facebook, Technorati, Digg, LinkedIn, etc.
- Distribution through Newswire Today, PRLeap, PRWeb, and various non-premium and local sites
- More than 250,000 subscribers and 30,000+ journalists and bloggers on PRWeb
- Ability to target distribution: choose 5 industries and 3 regions to reach
- Anchor text links and custom URLs
- Personalized RSS feed within release
- Permanent hosting
PREMIUM Article Submission
- Published to the full battery of news and PR sites: PRWeb, PRNewswire, PRLeap, Newswire Today, various non-premium and local sites
- More than 250,000 subscribers and 30,000+ journalists and bloggers on PRWeb and up to 1,000,000 unique monthly visitors to PRNewswire
- Interactive new release
- Ability to embed business and merchandise images
- Ability to add video
- Distribution to outlets such as USA Today, NY Times, Washington Post, etc., through the Associated Press