Who We Work With | iQuarius Media

Whether you are an Ad AgencyMarketing CompanyDesign House, or Business Owner, we can compliment your efforts you already have in motion by extending your approach to the Internet.

  • Ad Agencies – If you are running a media blitz, let us execute the Internet campaign with PPC Advertising, Social Marketing, Email Campaigns, and online Press Releases. Inquire about our competitive agency rates.
  • Marketing Companies – So you’ve thought of the perfect brand and message for your client. Now let us help you get that message in front of your target market on the Internet with Website Development, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and more! Inquire about our competitive agency rates.
  • Design Shops –  You do great design and everyone knows it! Which is why they want you to design their next website, email campaign, or e-newsletters. Let us program it for you and help make your creative vision a reality.
  • Business Owners – You signed up to be the “expert in your field” and have the freedom to run your business. Now you are expected to know everything about internet marketing and information technology. Let us help you take the mystery out of “new media” by assisting you in forging a well-defined Internet Strategy so you can get back to doing what you do best.

What We Are NOT

We are not an Ad AgencyMarketing Company, or Design House. We complement these types of businesses by extending your reach to the internet world. You are the experts in coming up with the best “message” — and we are the vessel to deliver it.

Chris Domingo Completes Audio Post for Feature Film

Chris Domingo

On his 25th birthday, David Brachman decides he’s going to change his life over the next two years or kill himself if he can’t. So goes the storyline of The Last Two Years of David Brachman, a feature film currently in post-production and slated for release in 2012. Director/writer/producer Marc Casilli approached iQuarius Media to help with audio post-production, marking another feature-length film credit for iQuarius Media.

Shot in Central Florida over the summer of 2010 with a crew comprised primarily of current and previous University of Central Florida (UCF) film students, The Last Two Years of David Brachman is Casilli’s MFA thesis for UCF’s Entrepreneurial Digital Cinema program.

When the project arrived at iQuarius Media, audio engineer Chris Domingo got to work on audio post-production over the next several weeks: noise reduction, custom sound design, adding backgrounds and creating foley sound effects — all the while maintaining the integrity and improving upon the sound quality of the existing dialogue. Domingo, a perfectionist, found the audio post-production work enjoyable and challenging: “The number one challenge was making the [existing] ADR fit with backgrounds.” This type of audio post-production is meticulous work, requiring technical know-how but, more importantly, a sophisticated ear.

The film’s director would sit with Domingo for hours at a time as they pored over the audio post-production tracks.  When he was alone in the studio, at any given moment, Domingo would be focused on his tools, blind to the world around him; his computer screen would be an organized chaos of multi-colored pixels and tracks, each representing just milliseconds of sound that he was digitally manipulating. He hears nothing else as he works.

For iQuarius Media, an audio post-production project is a welcome addition to the office atmosphere. From behind the closed doors of the audio department studio, sounds of dialogue spill out into the video production room next door, and even the low-end booms of background music vibrate the back offices, where administration and the Internet marketing team stare intently at their computer screens. Of the noise, president  of iQuarius, Gregory Born, noted that it’s better than silence any day, saying, “I’m happy to see the motion picture industry alive and well in Central Florida, and happy that iQuarius Media can be a part of it.

Enjoy some of these before and after clips from the film.

Before Audio Post:

 After Audio Post:

For more information on iQuarius Media’s audio post-production services, please see https://iquariusmedia.com/services/audio-services/
